Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Duca Duca Cloth diapers

It's hard to believe, but 30 billion disposable diapers end up in landfills each year, just in the US. This results in 35 million tons of avoidable solid waste for the country's landfills. Image that! 
Disposable diapers not only have a negative impact on the environment but also on a new parent’s budget. So the real question: why wouldn’t you use reusable cloth diapers? 
If you were to do the math, one disposable diaper costs about $0.37 cents and a baby can use anywhere from 5 to 10 diapers per day. In less than 1 month you’ll have covered your cost for purchasing one reusable diapers. That leaves you with mountains of cash you get to keep and not toss out in the trash. 
Reusable diapers are a safe, convenient and easy, and Duca Duca diapers are no different. Each diaper has multiple snaps for the smallest to largest fit: Adjustable leg elastics for no leaks and pocket design for disposable or non-disposable inserts. 

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